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What We Believe


The call to discipleship is a call to transformation


Christianity is often misconstrued as it relates to the character and behavior of an individual who makes the decision to accept christ. To become a Christian is to understand that it includes a lifelong journey of obedience and growth. No one accepts Christ and is immediately spiritually mature. Everyone begins the process with the question, what does it mean to follow Jesus? Discipleship is learning to be like Christ (Ephesians 4:20). Knowing Christ, instead of just knowing about Him, results in a spiritual transformation in life and heart, which reflects Christ to all we encounter. The call to discipleship is a call to transformation.


Discipleship is a process that begins after conversion and continues throughout a believer's life.

Discipleship is not optional for either the church or the believers. Believers are to disciple each other as

mandated in the Great Commission. Mature discipleship means that you are living for the Lord in all

areas of your life and Christ is the center of your life.


Christian discipleship is developing a personal, lifelong, obedient relationship with Jesus Christ in which

He transforms your character into Christlikeness; changes your values into Kingdom values; and involves

you in His mission in the home, the church, and the world. A disciple of Christ is someone who responds

in faith and obedience to the gracious call of Jesus Christ. Being a disciple is a lifelong process of dying

to self while allowing Jesus Christ to come alive in us.

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